These ServSafe® Food Safety Videos are a tool to prepare for your upcoming ServSafe® Course and/or Certification Exam. At no time does HRBUniversal claim that these videos will replace an Instructor-Led Course with a ServSafe® Certified Instructor or the ServSafe® Manager Online Course.
As well as the information in these videos may be outdated and will not reflect the updated 2017 FDA Food Code standards. So HRBUniversal strongly suggests you attend an Instructor-Led Course by a ServSafe® Certified Instructor or take the ServSafe® Manager Online Course to prepare for your Food Protection Manager Exam.
All videos are accessible through our mobile app - "HRBUniversal" for FREE.
Handwashing 101
Minimum Cooking Temperatures
Busting Myths about Norovirus
Norovirus and Handwashing
Let It Flow - Cross Cotamination
Let It Flow - Receiving
Handwashing and Proper Work Attire
Cleaning & Sanitizing
Be Safe. Don't Cross Contaminate.
Cross Contamination
ServSafe®, ServSafe Alcohol®, ServSafe Food Handler®, ServSafe Allergens™, ServSafe Workplace®, ServSafe® International, ManageFirst®, NRA Culinary Exams, Foodservice Management Professional® (FMP®), ServSucess®, National Registry of Food Service Professionals® (NRFSP®) and American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI®) are a registered trademarks of the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation, used under license by National Restaurant Association Solutions, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the National Restaurant Association.