How Our Mystery Shopping Program Works
We refer to the industry’s most carefully screened professional restaurant evaluators, who visit your operation, blending in perfectly. The mystery shoppers measure performance based on your criteria and provide a detailed, step-by-step narrative of the experience.
HRBUniversal’s dedicated consultants then compare this data against industry benchmarks providing operations with results that are useful, relevant, and actionable.
The feedback you receive from HRBUniversal is complete, detailed, objective, and fully fact-checked.
HRBUniversa Clients Consistently Get:
- Fast and headache-free program set-up
- Carefully screened independent evaluators who are never repeated at your location
- Customized measurements that fit your brand perfectly
- Speedy turnaround time
- Industry Benchmarking is easy to use and helps to set you apart from the competition
- Simple yet powerful Action Planning that gets accountability and results