HRBUniversal Your Training Partner For Safe Food & Beverage Service


Instructor-Led Courses, Remote Courses, Online Courses, Self-Study Options & More .........

Instructor-Led Courses & Exams
These sessions are in-person sessions conducted by industry professionals.
In-Person Proctored Exams
Scheduled a proctored exam with one of our proctors in person, at a testing center or with a remote proctor.
Online Remote Proctored Exams
Scheduled a proctored exam with one of our proctors in person, at a testing center or with a remote proctor.
Remote Instructor-Led Courses & Remote Proctored Exam
These remotel courses are instructor-led while you are in your office or home with an online remote proctored exam.
Online Course & Online Remote Proctored Exam
With the 24 hours a day, 7 days a week & 365 days a year access of online course, you are always in control of how, where, and when you train.
Online Courses
With the 24 hours a day, 7 days a week & 365 days a year access of online course, you are always in control of how, where and when you train.

Optimizing every area of your business!

A FEW THINGS WE DO ...... Just ask and we can customize the service to fit your operation.


What are our clients are saying about us?


Nashville, TN
"It was so nice to have an industry person certify my management team with the ServSafe® Manager Program. They put things in terms they understand and the lowest grade in the group was an 89%."


New Orleans, LA
"It was awesome that I was able to get my team trained on our schedule. I was amazed that HRBUniversal offer's training 7 days a week and we were able to do the class on a Sunday."


Savannah, GA
"My operation needed a HACCP Plan completed with in 30 days to get a variance. Chef Brad made it easy to get completed and implemented. I will say I was hesitant in choosing HRBUniversal since they had the highest quote, but the health department approved it with out resubmitting any revisions. That saved so much time and MONEY since it was done correctly."


Atlanta, GA
"I had several issues with lowering Health Inspection Scores and contacted several of the big 3rd Party Audit Firms. Two of the big 3rd Party Audit Firms conducted private inspections for us but we still had issues. They told us what we were doing wrong but did not give up a solution in order to solve. A friend of mine told me to call Chef Brad with HRBUniversal and talk with him. Chef Brad came out and looked over the operation as well as conducted an inspection. Our score was around 20 points lower than my regular inspection score. But, he gave use solutions and they stuck since in two weeks later we got a 98% with our health inspector. The inspector was so impressed how my team had changed."


Asheville, NC
"The health department told me I had to have a HACCP plan to do what I wanted to do. I called around and the prices I got were more than I could spend being a new business starting up. I to HRBUniversal's Special Process HACCP Training Class. It saved me major $$$$$ plus I am able to understand the process and make changes in the plan as needed."


F & B Professionals Certified


Satisfied Clients


Training Course & Exams


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