Special Processes Retail HACCP Training & Exam is approved by the International HACCP Alliance utilizing the SURE™ HACCP Food Safety Manager Program. This course is part of the most comprehensive retail HACCP product line on the market. The SURE™ HACCP Food Safety Series is dedicated to Safe, Useful, Responsible Education for foodservice and retail industry training.
Every operation serving or selling food needs to have a system in place that is uniquely designed to serve safe food. This specific food safety system is called HACCP, or Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point. HACCP is a system comprised of food safety, food defense, prerequisite programs, and the seven principles of HACCP that are applied to a written food safety program. This course provides participants with the knowledge to develop and write a food service or retail HACCP plan using the five-point HACCP Star training aid.
Key Topics
- Review of types of special processes – ROP, Fermentation, Smoking/Drying, Sprouting of Seeds & Beans and Juice
- Food safety prerequisite programs
- Food defense standard operating procedures
- Evaluation of hazards
- Determining critical control points
- Managing critical limits
- Establishing monitoring procedures
- Verifying the HACCP plan
- Corrective action
- Record keeping and proper documentation
At the conclusion of the course, participants will be prepared to take the HACCP Food Safety Manager Certification Examination to demonstrate knowledge of the HACCP system and its implementation. Successful completion of the examination will merit a HACCP Food Safety Manager Certification, which is valid for four years.